Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 140



This week we are working with Andy and Walter's charts Here is Andy's natal chart. See-Saw chart. Libra Asc = relationship/s are VERY important Sun in Cancer in the 10th, working as a family, working for family, making work into family. Moon in Aquarius in the 5th conjunct Uranus, freedom very important to 'be creative' in whatever way is necessary. Emotionally further away from one feelings, more likely to identify with those that are oppressed.   Partnered with Walter. Bowl-shape chart with a cluster in the 5th Virgo Asc = attention to detail, more shy possibly, needing things to be 'perfect'....cleanliness important etc  Sun Capricorn in the 5th= needing to 'shine', to be recognised and thanked and acknowledged. Moon in Aquarius in the 6th, freedom to love in whatever way allows more freedom...possibly worries about health (6th house) Cluster of planets in the 5th= a Stellium!