Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 141



How EVERY sign of the Zodiac is now being affected by the Outer Planets   I've made a chart just to show exactly where the outer planets are at the moment..and below I've added a reminder to demonstrate how these outer planets being in Taurus, Capricorn and Pisces will affect ALL the other signs...that's YOU we are talking about here! They'll either oppose, or square YOUR Sun sign....(or conjunct) Unless you are a Pisces, then you can celebrate bcoz Neptune is your natural ruler and will help you become a better version of yourself..provided you stay truthful, honest and realistic. Here's the link to my Newsletter article discussing this in March earlier this year Planet    Squares           Opposes     Sextiles             Trines                  Aries Cancer Capricorn Libra Aquarius Gemini Leo Sagittarius Taurus Uranus Leo Aquarius Scorpio Cancer Pisces Virgo Capricorn Gemini Virgo Pisces Sagittarius Aries Leo Libra Aquari