Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 142



Once again (unfortunately) I'm sharing a UK chart with no birth time. I apologise for that, but there we go, this happens quite a bit in my work (!) Do scroll down the page for the charts to indicate the transits when the Web was 'invented'. Tim Berners-Lee natal Using Whole Sign and 6am time: Sun Gemini, Moon Capricorn. Locomotive chart shape. Note Uranus conjunct Jupiter.   His mother Mary Lee-Woods Sun Pisces conjunct Uranus/Mercury. Moon Gemini. Also Locomotive chart.   His father Conway Berners-Lee Sun Virgo, Moon Aries. Sun conjunct Saturn/Jupiter Double-handled Bucket chart shape..or once again could be a Locomotive. Tim's first proposal Transits are in green on the outside. Note: transiting Moon conjunct natal Venus in Taurus. Transiting Saturn AND Neptune conjunct natal Moon in Capricorn. Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Saturn. All indicating he was 'taking this seriously'. Second proposal. Transiting Mars conjunct natal Sun in Gemini Transiting Saturn has now moved and Neptune and Uranus are bec