Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 146



Depending on what sign your Ascendant is, determines your Planetary chart Ruler. Aries=Mars Taurus=Venus Gemini-Mercury Cancer=The Moon Leo=The Sun Virgo=Mercury Libra=Venus Scorpio=Pluto (old ruler=Mars) Sagittarius=Jupiter Capricorn=Saturn Aquarius=Uranus (old ruler=Saturn) Pisces=Neptune (old ruler=Jupiter) Check which planet rules your chart, what house it's located in and its aspects to the Ascendant. Is your Asc friendly or challenging to your chart? Here is Jodie's chart: Sagittarius Asc=Jupiter is the Ruler, located in the 3rd house of communication in the sign of Pisces. Opposite Moon/Uranus in Virgo in the 9th (the 'natural' home of Jupiter) Jupiter also is square to her Sun in Scorpio in the 12th. Michael's chart Leo Ascendant=Ruler is the Sun, located in the 5th house, its 'natural' home. Opposition to Jupiter in Cancer in the 11th