Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 147



This week we are using the chart of a volunteer. We are calling her Emily.   Two other Episodes work with this: Episode Fifty:Erin Sullivan interview Author of The Astrology of Family Dynamics  Episode Sixty Seven= Astrology and Your Family   Here is her chart: Scorpio Asc, Sun Capricorn in the 3rd. Moon Virgo in the 11th. Mercury in Sagittarius. Do listen to Episode 112 when Mercury is in a different sign to your Sun sign I've added transits on the outside in green. Here is Dad's natal, no birth time Sun Gemini, Moon Pisces. Mercury in Taurus conjunct Saturn   Here's Mum: Libra Asc, Sun Sagittarius in the 3rd. (same place as Emily's Sun) Moon Taurus in the 7th  Here's the Synastry with Dad:   and with Mum