Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 166



This week I am discussing two charts both with Moon in Pisces. Here is Sarah's chart. Virgo Ascendant, Sun Capricorn in the 4th, Moon in Pisces in the 6th. Neptune has been transiting in Pisces (exact 2015)....   Here is Anna's chart Gemini Ascendant, Sun Aries in the 11th, Moon Pisces in 10th conjunct M.C. Two Yods: more info here As mentioned The Yod Book by Karen Hamaker-Zondag Neptune has started getting near your Moon and (will be exact your Moon 2024)   Reminder on how to make an  Equal House chart on Click on Free Horoscopes The when you've entered all your data, click on options fro zodiac and houses and choose equal house