Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 175



This week I am discussing three charts of child killers   Nurse Beverly Allitt Scorpio Asc, Sun Libra in the 12th, Moon Pisces in the 5th Yod linking Saturn, Neptune & Pluto/Uranus Date of first murder attempt Mars & Moon transiting the 8th Transiting Pluto in Scorpio conjunct natal Neptune in the 1st Uranus/Neptune transiting square Sun Video detailing the crimes   The Moors Murderers  Ian Brady Taurus Asc, Sun Capricorn in 8th, Moon Capricorn in 9th, Mercury retrograde in Cap in 8th Uranus in Taurus in the 12th   Myra Hindley Gemini Asc, Sun Cancer (conjunct Pluto in Leo) in 2nd, Moon Scorpio in 6th  Also Uranus(conjunct Saturn) in 12th This was what was so deadly: their Synastry His Pluto EXACTLY conjunct her Sun in Cancer...