Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 182



This week we are chatting with Astrologer Chris Mitchell and learning about Medieval Astrologer/Astronomer/Mathematician/Alchemist Roger of Hereford who wrote the 'first' UK book on Astrology. Chris Mitchell has a PhD from the University of Leicester on the topic of medieval astrology, is a tutor on the MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology course at the University of Wales, and holds a diploma in Medieval Astrology from Astrologos. He has been actively involved in promoting and teaching astrology for 20 years, is on the board of the Astrological Association, and has given talks to groups and conferences in Europe and the US. Chris says you're very welcome to join these groups and you don't have to be a member His thesis is titled: "Roger of Hereford's 'Judicial Astrology': England's First Astrology Book?" And it's freely available here   You can