Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 202



This week we are returning to a little Horary Astrology. This isn't technically Horary but it's using the principles. I've discussed the consultation chart and Adrian Duncan's methods in this Episode This is slightly different. Is the client consulting an Astrologer? Or needing TLC? Or someone to chat to? Are they actually wanting Astrology?   First client's chart with transits for the day of the first consultation in 2004 Natal: Scorpio Asc, Sun in Cancer in 9th, Moon in Capricorn in 2nd Transits in green on outside Client's Consultation chart (approx time) Nothing in the 7th (so not really wanting to see and 'astrologer') 2nd consultation transits Saturn is now on their Sun sign=serious stuff Sun & Mercury transiting the 7th = relationships 2nd consultation Chart   NOW there are three planets in the 7th house of 'The Astrologer' = Moon, Mars, Uranus Planet in the sign of Aquarius (which rules Astrology) is Neptune in the 6th   Second client consultation trans