Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 213



This week I'm demonstrating some 'real-life' Astrology with my maiden trip on my new electric motorbike. Please note I don't mention the Moon's Nodes in the audio and only noticed them after I'd recorded the audio and uploaded it! I natally have Moon in Gemini, so they were conjunct my Moon. Doh! This is pre-breakdown. The date/time/location of me actually turning the moped on. Pisces Ascendant 6 planets in the 11th house. Venus in the 10th I was mostly interested in the Asc in Pisces (as I'm a Sun Pisces myself) and that the Moon & Neptune are in the 1st house (confusion? I'm used to feeling confused so no change there ;) ) Mars/Uranus conjunct in 2nd house Chiron in Aries in the first. North Node in the 4th in Gemini and at that precise moment I was at home, in my garage!   I accidently (DOH!) turn the bike off (!) and it obz stops working. I think I've broken down and move the bike to a safe place off the road. The Moon and Neptune have now moved into the 12th house. Everything else is the same I'm no