Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast

RQG 213 - Be Prepared



Join Alex, Helen, Bryn, Lydia, and Ben as they reach the rooftops of London.This week Zolf approves of a parting quote, Cel can create a diversion, Hamid offers to go instead, and Azu summons an old friend.Content Notes:Undead & skeletonsBody horrorHivemindDiscussions of: physical violence, self-sacrificeMentions of: fire, death, heights, religion, small spaces, falling, knives, bloodSFX: distorted voices & static, fire, wind, distant explosions, low throbbing drone, occasional beepingThis episode includes vocal distortions. A partial transcription is available here: this week by Lowri Ann Davies, Tessa Vroom & Cathy Rinella.SFX this week by borralbi, DWOBoyle, zatar, Marissrar, janbezouska, tec_studio, ciaranm758, Cell31_Sound_Productions, blaukreuz, nikitralala, xavimuse, “IndustrialDoors piezo SHORT 150329_01.ogg” by klankbeeld (, gabisaraceni, Tabook, rj13, FlatHill, straget - thunder, qubodup Copyright 2013 Iwan Gabovitch C