Todd Sylvester Inspires Beliefcast

Janet Fouts



Janet Fouts is a Human Potential Facilitator.  Janet stands proudly as a speaker, author, facilitator, and coach.  She is a mindfulness master and is the author of 7 books including "When Life Hits the Fan - A Guide to Self-Care while Caring for Others."  Janet's mission is to create stronger leaders, compassionate communicators, and better humans who will define the future of our work and ultimately the world.   Janet's studies and exploration in emotional intelligence, mindfulness, positive neuroplasticity, and positive psychology led to launching a second company, Nearly Mindful, where she shares her knowledge of mindfulness, meditation, and bringing joy to life through a podcast, programs, and writing. Tune in to listen to the way she lives a purposed-filled life.  Janet is a beautiful person. ... #mindfulness #compassion #love #light #caring #passionate #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #master #beliefcast #tsinspires .......... You can connect with Janet here: @jfouts ....