Motivated Life With Ravi Raman

#27 - Alan Heymann on Making Successful Career Transitions



Alan Heymann is an Executive Coach who excels at helping leaders in transition and those looking to do great work. With a special knack for coaching introverts, Alan brings a warm and energetic presence to his coaching practice.   In this episode, we explore Alan's experience working with a coach during his time as an executive leader. We also discuss the subtle moments of inspiration that catalyzed a major career transition, culminating with his leaving the public and non-profit sectors to become a coach. We go further, and discuss what it takes for anyone to make a successful career transition, and how the pandemic has created a groundswell of people who are trying to figure out what they want out of life and work.   ...among other things, you'll also hear the story about how Alan ended up meeting the Dalai Lama!   To learn more about Alan, please visit his Website, Twitter and LinkedIn.