Pierce Point Community Church

God's Fingerprint



God's fingerprint is what matters for a great church. Paul has never actually met the Roman church. He wasn't the one who planted this church. According to church history, no one knows who founded the church in Roman. However, theologians assert that the church was the product of Christian Jews or proselytes who had returned home after their conversion on the day of Pentecost. In Acts 2, Jewish people from all over had come to Jerusalem to celebrate Shavuot (the feast of weeks) when (as we know) the Spirit of God fell on the disciples; Pentecost. Immediately after this, the Apostles proclaimed the Gospel, and Scripture says, "about 3,000 souls were added to the church" that day. Luke even records the origins of those who heard this good news in verses 9-11. Among those listed, Luke says, "visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes." So the thought is that these new Christians went back to Rome, and the church(es) were established. This seems more than feasible. But for today's message, the point is that