Pierce Point Community Church

Intro to Colossians (2:8-3:4)



Today, we're going to begin a brand new series in the book of Colossians. So, if you have your Bibles go ahead and turn with me there. But as you're turning, instead of going to the beginning, we’re going to start strategically in chapter 2:8... [Colossians 2:8] 8 "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.” Okay, so the reason we're starting here and not chapter 1:1 is that understanding Paul's motive (or his purpose) for writing is absolutely vital to rightly dividing the rest of the letter. As a principle, understanding a situation accurately is essential to a correct application! Or to say it in the reverse: accurate application must follow accurate information.