Adele Wang

Why Working On Your Confidence And Self Esteem Doesn’t Always Work So Well



A lack of self esteem and confidence holds many people back from achieving their full potential. It keeps people from going for their dreams. And yet, sometimes people confuse the result ("confidence") with the process ("how to be more confident"). In fact, people often spend a lot of energy on their inner work that can actually delay action forward. It's like the energy of getting ready to finally live life. Similarly, sometimes well-meaning parents who are trying to instill self esteem and confidence in their children end up creating the opposite result of what they wanted. We have a generation of young people who psychologists have noted are more anxious and lacking in confidence than ever before, in spite of well-intentioned loving "helicopter parents". Drawing on my experience working with hundreds of people to help them create success, this clip offers a perspective that may be useful. Basically, the "what" is different than the "how". "You don't need confidence. You need courage." *** Book a Disco