Karen Swain Atp Radio

Lori Williams CRV



http://karenswain.com/lori-williams-crv/ Lori Williams has been teaching people about how to navigate their intuitive and psychic abilities for many years, wither her husband Jim Williams they now live in a remote part of Texas in a fully sustainable EarthShip House. After a lifetime of unbidden, vivid precognitive and unexplained paranormal experiences, Lori began seeking a way to control these spontaneous bursts of intuition. In her search, Lori was fortunate to meet a man who had been part of a top-secret military program, of psychic spies. That man was Lyn Buchanan, author of The Seventh Sense. Lyn spent the next several years teaching and mentoring Lori with the vision of having someone well-trained to whom he could pass the torch once he retired. Since they met in 1996, Lori has been researching, practicing and studying the science of Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV).