Cantor Azi Schwartz

Zam'ru L'Adonai



[Kabbalat Shabbat] Zam’ru l’Adonai b’khinor, b’khinor v’kol zimrah. B’hatzotzrot, v’kol shofar, hari∙u, lifnei ha-melekh Adonai. Yiram ha-yam u-m’lo∙o, teiveil v’yoshvei vah. N’harot yimha∙u khaf, yahad harim y’raneinu. Sing to Adonai to the music of the lyre, the lyre and voices singing together; with horns and shofar, trumpet the presence of Adonai, the Sovereign. Let the sea and all that is in it roar, the earth and all who dwell on it thunder; let rivers clap hands, mountains sing in harmony.