Peace Out Relaxation And Mindfulness Stories For Kids

Tomatoes, Bees, and Me



Are tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable? Today we’re talking about being adaptable while we move, breathe, and imagine that we’re a growing tomato plant and also a buzzing bumble bee! One of our poses today, inspired by boat pose in yoga, is quite challenging, using a lot of core muscles. A couple of options are given, but one more that can be used is holding behind the knees. Encourage your child(ren) to rest whenever they need it. If you’d like to tell us about a time when someone did something kind for you, please send a voice recording to with “Kindness Story (child’s name)” as the subject. We will listen and respond to each one and choose a few to include on future Peace Out episodes!  Today’s Themes Scientific (curriculum connections): plants, buzz pollination, nutrition Social-emotional connections: awareness and consideration of others, being adaptable to the situation, resiliency Resource What’s the Buzz? How Tomatoes are Pollinated by Christine Casey The Importance of Bees, Canada Ag