Northgate Christian Community

Experiencing Doubts



Chris Parker shared a message with the congregation on how we should handle situations in life when we experience doubt. He explained Matthew 28:27 which states: “When they saw Him, they worshipped Him, but some doubted.” Chris explained how this debunks the idea that many believers have now that if they were living in Jesus’ time there would be no reason for any doubt in their hearts. Chris also offered encouragement by explaining the fact that God will not love us more or less based on our level of faith, He is far more interested in our hearts. He also asked the question, “Do our doubts disqualify us from salvation?” He offered five points that contradict this question that were intended to offer encouragement to anyone struggling with doubt. 1) Logical inconsistency- There can only be one outcome; two people praying in equal and opposite directions cannot achieve the same outcome.2) This thinking assumes an un-Christ like portrait of God3) Creates a learning phobia4) Sets people up for a fall5) Certainty