Northgate Christian Community

Kingdom Culture: The Presence of God Reveals the Kingdom of God"



Pastor Jon continued the series that Roy began last week entitled “Kingdom Culture”. Specifically, he focused on examples in the Bible where people experienced the presence of God and how He longs for us to pursue His presence in our daily lives. Ultimately, God’s presence is what brings His kingdom culture to earth. Additionally, Pastor Jon explained that God’s presence and His Holy Spirit are available to us. If we desire to experience His presence, the best thing we can do is to seek God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Pastor Jon referenced the story of Solomon in 2 Chronicles chapter 5. In this story, Solomon inherited David’s plan to build a temple for God. However, even though Solomon completed the temple and had an amazing experience with God’s presence as a result, he eventually fell back into sin by building idols and worshipping pagan gods, which angered God. The main point behind this story is that the presence of God is a wonderful thing, but God wants to be more than just on the outside of