This Moved Me

165: MMM - On Editing Your Talk (without sacrificing depth)



So - you’ve got a hefty first draft, and now it's time to edit your talk.   Knowing we want to get to clear and concise… AND - at the same time, say something NEW.   Finding the SIMPLE and still saying something TRUE and - in some way - NEW.   Whooo, that is a challenge!   And what the editing process in creating a talk is all about.   And it’s a CREATIVE PROCESS.   It’s not JUST - cutting out the stuff you don’t like/don't need.   It’s a process of digging deeper… and getting clearer on what you actually, really truly mean…   And our first drafts so rarely get there. Most of the time, it’s like skimming the cream off the top of your fancy coffee… it’s satisfying and sugary good. But that’s not where the big punch comes from. (Ha.)   When I gave my TEDx talk… the process of editing that puppy was brutal.   If you looked back on my drafts, they’d look in some ways like completely different talks… with a dslithly different focus each time, different emphasis. Every time I sat down to write, or talked it out, or