In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G

Martial Arts to Pelvic Pain, One Man's Journey



Today’s guest is possibly the best expert that you’ll ever get to know. Michael Hodge is an expert in navigating his way out of pelvic pain. I always tell my patients that they’re the number one expert in treating themselves because no one knows you better than yourself. I met Michael from watching his intimate interview with Dr. Bri Grogan on her FemFusion Fitness YouTube channel. I was totally inspired after their interview and just had to share his message with all of you. Not many men or women feel comfortable talking about their private parts let alone pelvic pain. It’s such a personal topic and often people with pelvic pain feel isolated and alone. Michael’s been kind and courageous enough to share his story with of us in hopes to help other men struggling with pelvic pain find help, support and comfort as they navigate through their own health journey. If you’re a man suffering with pelvic pain, know that you’re not alone. Listen to the episode to find hope and learn tips to help you navigate throug