Fireside Charla With Sdsu President Adela De La Torre

#011 - RE:BORDER and the Water We Share



In this episode, I chat with Dr. Natalie Mladenov, Dr. Trent Biggs, and Dr. Matthew Verbyla—three of our leading water researchers from the Blue Gold Group, one of SDSU’s centers of excellence focused exclusively on water research. Our conversation touches on one of San Diego State University’s key areas of distinction, which is our connection to the California-Baja California transborder region, the most talked-about border region in the world today.  We talk about RE:BORDER—the inaugural binational conference kicking off this November, which will explore every year key transborder issues and innovative solutions. RE:BORDER will bring U.S. and Mexican researchers, practitioners, students, public policy experts, and community stakeholders to explore how San Diego State University and its regional partners can contribute to innovative solutions for water-related challenges in the transborder region.  This year's theme is The Water We Share.  // IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS... The challenges our region faces rel