Honestly Lisa

Episode Put Your Money Where Your Self-Love Is! Feat. Denise Duffield-Thomas



“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”Epictetus I have struggled to make enough money my whole adult life and when I had money I spent it, and not well. I grew up very comfortable and so I don’t where I developed this weird story with money. I have read so many books on money blocks and manifestation! Still, I have not truly gotten a handle on it. Now, I always try to make it through and it always comes at the last second, but I am not where I want to be at all. I don’t want just enough to get by anymore! I do want enough to pay my bills, travel, buy cute shoes once in a while and not to panic from the 20th until the end of the month and live paycheck to paycheck. It’s so hard to be honest with myself. Getting Denise on my show felt like a real coup! I was so excited and what I learned was she is super real, full-hearted and very vulnerable. The other thing I learned was I need to take her course and get full on Denise support and take the maybe painful deep dive. Deni