Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 61: Crystal Hammond – Being a Side Hustle Queen Requires Resilience



Today’s guest is Crystal Hammond. She attended Ohio State University and graduated with a degree is in Electrical & Computer Engineering. She also is a landlord (an awesome one) and used to be a day trader. She’s a paid Zumba and INSANITY instructor, has helped people lose significant amounts of weight, and has helped others start their own blogs. She started her own blog on May 16, 2011 - lost everything twice - and restarted again both times. She loves to travel and has been to 17 countries/islands. She’s currently working to build a food box subscription company (she sees it as an experiment) and runs the Grocery Game Challenge. She sees herself as the side hustle queen. Be sure to take some time to get to know Crystal on this episode. Her aggressive “can do” attitude is contagious. TWEET: Ep. 61: Crystal Hammond - Being a #SideHustle Queen Requires Resilience She uses pen and paper to keep her life organized and effective.In the digital age we live in, it’s not very common to hear of someone who’s sti