Fishnet Flix

Camp Nowhere



Camp kids, unite! It’s Fishnet Flix for tha children with our first ever kids-themed episode! Marie’s nephews, Mason and Grant, requested we watch the 1994 summertime comedy Camp Nowhere. This fun 'lil flick is about a kid named Mud who teams up with his friends to pull off the greatest con of their prepubescent lives—a completely made-up summer camp with no adult supervision! There are a surprising amount of good outfits in this movie from costume designer Sherry Thompson (Blossom, 7th Heaven) including a variety of Coogi sweaters! (Who can tell us how to pronounce Coogi?) Plus, we discuss Andrew “Mr. Steal Your Girl” Keegan and his “spiritual group.” Also cameos from many familiar faces including an actual cult member.  Coogi sweaters were NOT Cosby sweaters: Marie’s OG Andrew Keegan Kombucha cult article on Jezebel: Inside '90s Heartthrob-Turned-