Cold Shower

047-Practical-JohnPaul Morris



In this episode I sit down with JohnPaul Morris. He is the director and cinematographer for Practical. Their commercial clients include companies like Short's Brewing, Grand Traverse Resort, and a number of artists. Additionally, they have provided footage for clients like BMW, Audi, Hersheys, Facebook, and even the United Nations. Despite this impressive resume JohnPaul Morris brings a great level of humility and intentionality to his work. He shares his behind the scenes view of the marketing and film industry, and tackles tough questions regarding the surge of marketing geared towards capitalizing on societal discord. For more of what Practical has going on hit the links below! Instagram- Website- For more about Cold Shower check out our page or find us on Instagram. We offer Podcast Episodes, blog posts, and booking opportunities. Links below! Cold Shower Website- Instagram-https://www.instagram