Francis Watch

Episode 6: Bergoglio’s Ten Suggestions



We will start by tackling the latest in the Bergoglian revolution: Francis' recently released "Ten Tips for Happiness" ( which have positively nothing to do with God, nor anything to the supernatural whatsoever. We see in this list of Bergoglio's ten suggestions, which start off with #1 being live and let live, more of his naturalistic Marxism on display, which seeks to keep the soul of man firmly grounded in naturalism and completely omits God or the faith in having anything to do with happiness. The absurdity of this list shows the absolute rancid cesspool of modernism, Marxism, socialism, naturalism, and freemasonic principles that comprises the theological mind of Jorge Bergoglio. Then we will move forward with other news bits including Bergoglio's "brother bishop" Tony Palmer (,