Spec Script

The Big Bang Theory w/Lucia Fasano, Jordan Hayles, Kyle George, Kevin Arnold, Shane Hosea +more



Spec Script is a show where someone who has never seen a popular TV show writes an episode of said show. For the first episode that show is The Big Bang Theory. The podcast is a table read of the episode performed at Kelly's Olympian in Portland, OR 2nd Sundays of the month. CAST LEONARD - Lewis Sequeira SHELDON - Lucia Fasano PENNY - Amanda Martin-Tully HOWARD - Shane Hosea RAJESH - Kyle George AMY - Jordan Hayles WIL WHEATON -Kevin Arnold BERNADETTE - Kyle McCormick STUART- Chris Khatami NARATOR - Mark Movieman Written by Chris Khatami Hosted by Kyle McCormick & Chris Khatami