Remodeling Mastery By Mark Richardson

Creating A World Class Team: Culture



The culture of your business is something that you need to figure out, now. If someone were to walk up to you and ask you, “How’s your business like?” or “How is it working for XYZ Company?” – would you know how to answer that question? The culture of your company should be something that ultimately drives those who work for you, into a mindset where they WANT to succeed. It should define who you are and the mission of everyone associated with it. The culture doesn’t manifest overnight; you’ve got to train it, and you’ve got to be patient with what’s going on around you. Embrace the opportunity and live by who you are and what you want your company to become. More podcasts at: Register for the FREE Google Webinar on August 27th at 4PM: Subscribe to the Surefire Social Blog: