Remodeling Mastery By Mark Richardson

Don't Go It Alone & Interview with Erika Taylor, Director of Content @ ProRemodeler



Part 1. Recap of Remodeling Mastery Topics How do you improve your remodeling business in these challenging times? What are the actions you should be taking? Over the past few months, Mark has covered a number of topics that answer these questions. Part 2. Don’t Go It Alone “None of us is as smart as all of us.” Mark believes that remodelers can become more successful if they consider accepting help in their business. He says the first thing they should do is to invest time and energy into the whole notion of ‘not being alone’. Mark expounds on that through these handy tips: 1. ‘We all need a coach.’ Mark emphasizes the importance of having someone you can talk to or ask for advice--professional or otherwise. 2. Change your paradigm in terms of alliances. This means altering your perspective about the people you interact with to form strategic alliances that allow you both to reach a common goal. 3. Spend time and energy in industry-related associations. These include National Association of the Remode