The Growth And Resilience Network(tm) With Steve Piscitelli

Episode #45: Someone Has to be the Grownup in the Room!



Community transformation does not just appear. It requires vision, thought, communication, respect, difficult questioning, and attentive listening. Transformational leaders help orchestrate that communal dance. They recognize that establishing a “shared vision” requires tough conversations. Everyone around the table typically sees his or her agenda item as the most important. They struggle to understand what “community” means beyond their narrow framework. Intentions may be good, but attention may not stray far from an individual agenda. The bigger picture can get lost in collective monologues. Two long-time community activists and leaders, Linda and Michael Lanier, sat down with me and shared a few leadership skills and strategies. You can read more in my book "Community as a Safe Place to Land." Music ©Billy Bowers. Used with permission. ©Steve Piscitelli. 2019 The Growth and Resilience Network®