So Suzy Podcast

MIHM with Sally Harris from 100 Creatives



Sally Harris from 100 Creatives is participating in #the100dayproject on Instagram and for her 100 days, she decided to create a podcast so she could interview 100 creatives in 100 days.  For someone who has never produced a podcast before, this is an incredible feat and she is ROCKING IT!  Hear about her 100 Day Creative Journey, what she plans on doing after her 100 days are up and what she likes most about her new endeavor.   Show Notes I can't believe that I got to interview: Elise Blaha Cripe - @elisejoy on Instagram   Some of my favourite guests so far:  Augusta of Felt Happens (Episode 10)   Jen Blanco (Episode 16)    These ones are upcoming: - Crystal Moody (Episode 25) - Mary Purdie (Episode 30) and Deandre Purdie (Episode 31) (Coming Soon - June 5 and 6)    I'm really enjoying these podcasts at the moment: Happier with Gretchen Rubin  Side Hustle School with Chris Guillebeau Young House Love Has a Podcast  Sorta Awesome      How to Find Sally and Her 100 Creatives Podcast 100 Creatives website Insta