So Suzy Podcast

Creativation 2018 with Keli Bell-Cole from AFCI



Eeeek, I am so excited!  Creativation is just around the corner and the registration for the education program starts next week on September 12 at 11am EST!  Today, we have Keli Bell-Cole from AFCI on the podcast to talk about attending Creativation, the educational classes, key note speaker and so much more!  And Keli is kinda awesome!   PLUS, we try to talk Mark into letting her go to Greendale, WI to check out the Village!  Pretty sure she needs a chaperone...just sayin!   Check out the preview guide to write down your questions before class registration starts!   Registration starts on Tuesday, September 12th at 11am at the Creativation website.   If you have not registered for Creativation yet, head on out and do so!
