Homeless In San Diego

Love Thy Neighbor



On this special episode of 'Homeless in San Diego: Real People, Real Stories,' host Greg Anglea, CEO of Interfaith Community Services, welcomes Rabbi David Castiglione. Rabbi Castiglione is a board member of Interfaith and Rabbi of Temple Adat Shalom, where Interfaith first started 40 years ago. Here to shed light on the recent events in Chabad of Poway, Rabbi Castiglione and Greg hope to bring an alternative message against the negativity around these tragic events. During the events at Chabad of Poway, Rabbi Castiglione and Greg were only a few blocks away attending morning services at Adat Shalom. When word came in of the shooting, the meeting they were having about Interfaith’s work was interrupted and the discussion about the importance of looking after your fellow neighbor was stopped. Everyone was told that it was best to side with safety and leave, but in that moment something rang in the hearts of the attended. In what Rabbi Castiglione could only call, “an affirmation of religion,” instead of leavin