Hate To Weight | Our Diet And Weight Loss Journey

The 'Practice' of Dieting?



In This Episode: Emily had a bad day! She ate Wendy’s for the first time in weeks and got stomach cramps from it! It’s tough to have a spouse and kids who are picky eaters when you’re trying to diet. For fans of Sex and the City: Soda = Mr. Big; Water = Aiden; Berger = Burger John’s anxious about his doctors appointments. Why aren’t we calling everything a “practice”? We will never “master” anything fully. We’re constantly failing, but learning from our mistakes. John uses his debit card statement to see how he’s doing with his diet. Smart! He’s thinking of incorporating bone broth into his diet. Have you tried it? We go off in a tangent on the chemical smell in New Jersey, lol! Our #WinningWednesday posts are awesome! Emily celebrates her new second number! Join our the Hate to Weight Discussion Group on Facebook and have fun with us! Links Mentioned: Trim Healthy Mama Elsie Escobar from She Podcasts, The Feed libsyn, and Elsie’s Yoga Class InstaPot The Intermittent Fasting Podcast Bonafide Provisions Pla