Real Estate Success With Jim Ingersoll

Off Market Deals Direct For Wholesalers, Flippers & Landlords



Jim chats with friends Don and Anne Marie Corbett about their experience (and success!) with off market deals. What works for them and how they are adjusting their business focuses with the current times. This couple is truly a power couple with an honest and welcoming approach to their business dealings. The importance of your network – checking in with your inner circle “You don’t know what you don’t know. To be successful, you have to understand that you don’t know everything.” Don Corbett The value of masterminds and finding the ones that work for you The books they've read and recommend How Don and Anne Marie work together successfully: Recognize one another’s strength and use those strengths to your advantage How they prepare to meet a seller: they do their homework and go thoroughly prepared to meet their potential sellers Why it’s so important to listen to the seller. “You listen, not to respond, but to understand their situation” Ann Marie Why they sometimes let a good deal go Why they feel podcasts