Artist Decoded By Yoshino

#56: Matthew Ryan Herget - "Opening Access Points Of The Mind"



Born December 21st, 1990; Matthew Ryan Herget is an emerging self-taught artist from Miami, FL.  After attending University for two years, Herget opted to leave formal education to pursue his personal calling in life; to live as a contemporary explorer.  Herget's work is what he calls, a "constant collaboration" between himself at all points in his life. The evolution of his work mimics the evolution of his own self - a student of life, the mind, nature, and spirituality; Herget continues to explore anew without losing the childlike confidence that propelled him to the person he is today. Earlier paintings consist of juxtapositions of visual metaphors that tend to represent overcoming personal fears and limitations. These juxtapositions mix serious tones with playful imagery: an ode to finding who he is while at the same time never forgetting where he was.  Newer paintings jump in and out of the boundaries of form and abstraction. Occasionally paintings are figurative while others take the shape of full on