Ax & Yoke | Chopping Wood And Carrying Water

32 - What Get's Measured Get's Done



Have you every started a Monday with the intention of building a new habit to only lose traction by the following weekend?   You're not alone.  This happens to everyone who wants to make sustainable change.  One of the common reasons for the backslide is because we lose sight of our progress.   When establishing a new routine its important to identify a daily activity to measure.  You want to be able to see how far you've come and how far you have to go to reach your destination.   In this episode we will show you how regain your traction and never look back. You will learn: How good intentions often aren't enough The power of measurement on your life Why it's important to pick a single behavior at a time About our favorite tools for measuring progress Apps Mentioned In the Show: Evernote Momento Books Mentioned in the Show: The 4 Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat Loss, Incredible Sex and Becoming Superhuman by Tim Ferris Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity By David