Ax & Yoke | Chopping Wood And Carrying Water

34 - Consistency and Spontaneity



Do you ever not feel like doing something that matters to you?  It happens to me all of the time.  I set my mind to doing something I know is good for me but then after a while I just lose the motivation to stick to it.  Is it just me?  Nope.  It happens to everyone, but the difference between the successful and and the average is the successful find a way to do it even when they don't feel like it.   This episode is one of those moments.  We love podcasting and sharing ideas to help our listeners live remarkably, but sometimes we lose some of the momentum required to gear up for another show, when we'd much rather grab a big gooey cinnamon roll at one of our favorite breakfast places. Instead of bailing out completely we decided to drop just a few ideas to satisfy the commitment to ourselves and our listeners and to keep the streak alive.  Sometimes just  showing up is good enough.   Think about this the next time you don't feel like working out, reading or whatever you're working in your life.  Showing up i