The Alpha Female Podcast With Robyn Baldwin

AF 046: Tiny Devotions Founder, Private Jet & Angel Investor Alpha Female Diana House



Diana is an authenticity driven entrepreneur who is constantly seeking, creating, developing, growing and learning. She is passionate about business, personal development, wellness, travel, spirituality, productivity and maximizing her time and life to live exceptionally across all facets: faith, relationships, business and health. Her sensitivity coupled with her entrepreneurial mindset allows her to see opportunities through a unique lense leading to an overflow of ideas, reiterations and progress led execution. Being very unsure of her career path in her youth, she became even more unclear after completing law school. Pushed to find her passions she started her first company Tiny Devotions Inc. after taking a sabbatical in Bali post-graduating. Being keen to identify niches – Diana literally started an industry with her company selling mala beads and intentional accessories. Now with hundreds of competitors, Tiny Devotions founded in 2009 is still the innovative leader in the space. After dabbling with man