The Alpha Female Podcast With Robyn Baldwin

AF 115: Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Alpha Female Online Business Strategist Andrea Nordling



Andrea Nordling is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Online Business Strategist who helps others become the CEO of their own damn bods and blaze their own trail in life and business. She emphasizes harmony in all areas of life, which for most can mean less “rules” and restrictions and more space and grace. As a recovering perfectionist and super achievement-oriented mama, she laughs at that last statement because if it was easy for us to turn off our drive and ambition, we wouldn’t be Alpha Females! #selfawareness In addition to helping busy women fix their hormones and regain real energy to live their best lives, she is a die-hard foodie, health, and hormone balancing blogger at, bossy mother of two, athleisure-wear enthusiast, world traveler, Type-A perfectionist + neurotic list maker, very outgoing homebody, and sarcastic SOB. She loves red wine and red meat (equally) and if you feed her, she’ll pretty much love you forever. Instagram & Pinterest