Alaska Tracy Podcast

Episode 24: Words of Wisdom from Intuitive Consultant "Jenna" ~ Jenna Gessay



Thank you for listening to Episode 24.  May you be enlightened by this podcast. As an entrepreneur, you may feel isolated, which breeds many negatives for business growth and creativity. Asking for help is a crucial step for growth and success.    Having a business coach, consultant, mentor, or group that you can bring thoughts and ideas to is essential in avoiding and walking through challenges.  Think of your business as a garden.  Your plants look like they are dying, and you have no idea why.  If you are like me, you have taken great pride in all your efforts thus far, and you want to figure out what is wrong and how to help them.  So you contact a master gardener, a gardening group, or a garden guru to help you.  It is often a simple fix (like too much water for your tomatoes)!  The same is true with your business.  Tweaking things as you go along is as important.  Someone on the outside that has no vested interest in your business can help you do this. I met Jenna Gessay 5 years ago when Alaska Tracy