Alaska Tracy Podcast

Episode 25 ~ Let's Talk Leadership with Terri Klass



Thank you for listening in to Episode 25.  May you be enlightened and inspired by this podcast. I met Terri Klass 5 years ago on a Tweetchat called Lead From Within by Lolly Daskal.  If you are confused and/or intrigued on how to grow your business and life using Twitter, listen in to Episode 5 with Zachary Jeans about the Power of  Tweetchats. Terri Klass is a Leadership Training Consultant, coach, and speaker who partners with organizations to create cultures of empowerment and develop future leaders.  She believes that, regardless of your position or title, everyone can be a leader.  She delivers highly-successful leadership workshops and is a speaker and author of articles on leadership and working with different generations in the workplace.  Terri has a weekly blog on leadership where she shares challenges that leaders face daily.  I encourage you to read a few of her blog posts -- her writing style is captivating!  I learn so much about business, leadership and writing each time I read one of her po