Alaska Tracy Podcast

Episode 26 - Speaker & Author Chris Edmonds



 Inspiration from Speaker & Author Chris Edmonds  Thank you for listening in to Episode 26.  May you be enlightened and inspired by this podcast. Five years ago, Chris and I met through a Tweetchat “Lead From Within”, that we participated in along with Zachary Jeans (from Episode 5) and Terri Klass (from Episode 25). This Tweetchat run by Lolly Daskal became instrumental in my life and in the growth of my business due to the information it contained and these leaders that it brought into my life. You, too, can use Twitter to grow your business and life. To find clarity and guidance in how to do so, listen in to episode 5: “The Power of Tweetchats.” In today’s episode, Chris shares his Vision throughout the years, including his career with Ken Blanchard, writing “The Culture Engine” as well as six other books. It was when he hired Brand Strategist Mark Levy that he became very clear about his Vision: Make values as important as results. When he reached this epiphany, his business began to explode.   Ch