Comedy & Camping With Aubree Sweeney

S2.E1 Comedy Camping w/Aubree Sweeney - Tucson



Welcome back to Comedy & Camping!In this episode, Aubree talks about her time at the University of Arizona and remembering what it was like to feel warm. Like, stepping into a preheated oven warm. Reminiscing about Totino’s Pizza and Margaritas encourages Aubree to play one of her favorite Jimmy Buffet Songs, on her mando that just so happened to be there. Cindy Sweeney (Aubree's Mom) joins Aubree. They talk about Aubree’s newest addition, Atlas, and his many quirks. Such as, slurping worms from the ground, watching his self-cleaning litter box for hours on end and finding toys they've never seen before. They also talk about Paco’s criminal behaviors as a pup. He was a crook. Reformed now. Aubree and Cindy share some stories of crazy adventures on the road together. They talk about stumbling across the most amazing roadside stop, Cline’s in New Mexico which is where Aubree discovered a love for maple walnut fudge. The time they had a real-life rollercoaster ride on old route 66 – it felt like th