Financially Speaking ~ Kathy Cook Noble

Inch By Inch It Becomes A Cinch – Accountability In Business



Financially Speaking with Kathy Cook Noble  Join us this Monday, 5 pm EST, as Kathy talks with special guest Bruce Cruickshank. Bruce is an entrepreneur, trainer, speaker, and results-driven Business Coach with 30+ years of experience in the business world. His passion and commitment, combined with his diverse and high-level business experience, has led Bruce to become a master business coach. Helping businesses define & implement a performance culture that transcends all areas of business through accountability and planning. Kathy and Bruce discuss how small steps are the cornerstones of success in every venture. Bruce believes that every person has greatness within and can perform at an exceptional level once they understand how to self-manage their own performance. Bruce’s purpose is to help each and every person find their greatness within, so they can have a successful career and provide for their families, while significantly contributing to the success of their company they partner with. Over the last