Simon Scholes




IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE PERFECT Pretty much the number one reason (apart from fear of what anyone else thinks) for not putting out your content, is the fear of perfection, which does kind of tie itself back into what others think of your content too. Perfect content is the one elusive goal we all, always want to aim for, however, aiming for perfection every single time we put out a single piece of social media content, especially as a small business trying to build a group of raving fans through the value we give, is damn near impossible. If we always waited until a piece of content we made was perfect, well, let’s be honest, we’d never put anything out for people to consume. It ties back into my main point I’ve made many times IF YOU’RE NOT COMMUNICATING, NOBODY CAN HEAR WHAT YOU’VE GOT TO SAY So how do you get over this level of perfection you’re always striving for. Well, frankly it’s not easy. For me, I just told myself IT’S NONE OF MY BUSINESS WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK OF ME For you, it might be so