Simon Scholes




LANDSCAPE OR PORTRAIT And so the debate continues, should you be shooting your videos in landscape or portrait. The honest answer is…….it depends. For a very long time, content was always best shot in landscape so you didn’t end up with those two horrible black lines either side of your lovely video on platforms like youtube, facebook etc. and this is still the case. When you go live, make sure your phone is in landscape, when you’re capturing video for your brand / business make sure it’s in landscape. However, times are changing and when it comes to paid content it’s time to consider portrait content. Many brands now are using platforms like instagram stories, snapchat and even youtube mobile advertising and using vertical video. A lot of platforms are now starting to make good use of vertical video, and it’s all about understanding what you can achieve with your content on those platforms where you’re like to spend money. To find out more about portrait content, drop me a line, my email is my profi